Charlotte Workers’ Compensation Attorney

The Trusted Charlotte Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Team
Accidents at work can occur for a wide range of reasons from: inadequate equipment or facility maintenance to negligence. If you have an accident at work and you suffer an injury, you could possibly claim worker’s compensation for a personal injury. But, you need to ask yourself: “Who’s on my side?” Because, the most important fact you should keep in mind is that your employer or your employer’s insurance company chooses the doctor and directs medical treatment. Will you get the best treatment? Will your employer support you on your way to recovery? Will your employer’s insurance company properly guide you through your worker’s compensation case?
For over 29 years Mr. Farbman has been representing injured parties in workers compensation mediation. His goal is to convert your Temporary Total Disability (or TTD) into a lump sum settlement or what’s referred to as a clincher agreement.
Email or Call Us today for a free consultation from our Charlotte Workers’ Compensation Attorney team.
Disabling Injuries
These injuries usually involve the partial loss of physical or intellectual strength, but not a loss of functionality. These injuries may also be permanent. For example, you may suffer an injury to your legs but you can still walk, just not as well as you used to. Whether the disability is permanent may depend on your ability to get ongoing therapy. This can be costly.
Incapacitating Injuries
These injuries are much more serious and do involve a total loss of capacity or natural power. For instance, your leg injury results in your inability to walk unassisted.
Of course, regardless of the classification of injury, there are always medical bills and other related issues that disrupt your physical, emotional and financial well-being.
Especially Important in Workers’ Compensation Cases is the concept of maximum medical improvement (MMI). MMI is the point at which any further medical care you receive will not lead to further improvement. In other words, the doctors have done all they can do to make you better. Unfortunately, this might also be the point at which workers’ compensation benefits start getting cut off. Who makes this decision? Typically, this decision is made by the “treating doctor” approved by your employer’s insurance provider. Are they really representing your needs?
Often, the doctor that you choose to evaluate your case will disagree with the “treating doctor”. What do you do then? This is where a personal injury and workers’ compensation attorney like Mark Farbman can help you get and pay for the treatment you really need.